The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home.
How to Micropulse with the Silver Pulser - Model SP7
Updated Video Coming Soon Showing the New Sleeves, Wrist Strap, Packaging & Design
Micropulsing is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to Micropulse using the Silver Pulser - Model SP7 (length: 28:53).
How to Make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP7
Making Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP7 (length: 23:12).
Increase the Lifespan of Your Silver Wires
Russ demonstrates how, with one simple habit, you can virtually double the lifespan and production of the wires with the SOTA Silver Pulser (length: 00:44).
Cotton Sleeve Alternatives You Can Make Yourself
Russ shows you how to make sleeves from common materials you likely already have around the house. He also shares a SOTA alternative you may not be aware of–cotton sleeves without Velcro® (length: 04:28).
What Should Ionic-Colloidal Silver Look Like?
Russ shows real examples of electrolytes in the 5-8 ppm range (which is a great level for absorption because of the smaller particle size) to one that is gray and not suitable for consumption (although your plants will love it!) (length: 03:42).
3 Simple Tips for Storing Ionic-Colloidal Silver
Russ provides three simple tips that can make all the difference for Ionic~Colloidal Silver that will last for weeks–even months–and still retain its potency (length: 01:54).
Making Larger Quantities of Ionic~Colloidal Silver
Russ discusses what’s involved in preparing various quantities of Ionic~Colloidal Silver (length: 01:37).
How to Micropulse with the Silver Pulser - Model SP6
Micropulsing is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to Micropulse using the Silver Pulser - Model SP6 (length: 29:13).
How to Make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP6
Making Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP6 (length: 23:33).
How to Micropulse with the Silver Pulser - Model SP5
Micropulsing is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to Micropulse using the Silver Pulser - Model SP5 (length: 21:17).
How to Make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP5
Making Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of the two functions of the Silver Pulser. Russ demonstrates how to make Ionic~Colloidal Silver with the Silver Pulser - Model SP5 (length: 16:47).