1. What is the best way to use the Magnetic Pulser?
The SOTA Magnetic Pulser delivers localized pulsed magnetic fields. Each pulse creates microcurrents in the targeted area. Magnetic Pulsing can be used on body systems like the lymph or used to target a specific area of the body including but not limited to, joints, soft tissues and teeth.
For overall wellness, we suggest a series of pulse points that follow a recommended sequence. It's designed to support multiple points across the body. Not all human bodies are the same, so the recommended pulse point positions are approximate and should be tailored to suit your individual body type.
2. What tips will help me get the most benefit from my Magnetic Pulser?
Create a Routine
To maximize the benefits offered by your Magnetic Pulser, daily use is more important for results than using occasionally. To ensure consistent use, integrate Magnetic Pulsing into your existing daily routines. Watching TV in the evening, right after a daily walk, or in bed each evening—each is a great opportunity to add Magnetic Pulsing to your day. Choose a time and place that fits your lifestyle to make it a regular part of your day.
Here's how one person maintains consistent use: "I use it almost every evening while watching TV. I keep it beside the chair I sit on, so it is ready to use."
Even when your routine is interrupted by travel or something unexpected, doing what you can to continue your Magnetic Pulsing program will help to ensure you continue to get the most benefit from the unit.
The idea is to do your best to create a Wellness routine for yourself, making it easier to stay with it.
Keep it Handy
Once you decide how best to integrate Magnetic Pulsing into your daily routines, placing the unit in a convenient location will be a reminder to use it. If using it while watching TV, keep the Magnetic Pulser next to your favorite chair. If using it in bed works best for you, keep it on your bedside table.
Here's what helps one person: "At home, I have two wall adaptors plugged in at spots where I will be seated for a long time; a wall adaptor is kept by the couch and another by my bed."
Be Prepared
Whether you are using your Magnetic Pulser as part of a Wellness Program or just on an as needed basis, you are more likely to use the unit if it is readily available, than if you have to set it up each time you want to use it. Being prepared with both a wall adaptor and the Magnetic Pulser ready to use, makes it easier to use as part of your daily routine.
Listen to Your Body
As with Micropulsing, if during the early days of use, you feel you’ve "overdone" it, simply reduce the amount of time you apply the Magnetic Pulser each day. When ready, once again start slowly, gradually building up the time that you apply Magnetic Pulsing. And drink plenty of water—especially both before and after each session. Drinking freshly ozonated water gives added benefit.
A helpful part of the process of a wellness journey is acknowledging the triumphs as well as the bumps in the road. Keeping a journal of your experiences is a great way to track the overall benefits on your wellness journey. Looking back can be a great motivator when you see the changes that have come over time.
For additional tips, see the SOTA Products User Guide.
Which Mode to use can depend on why you are using the Magnetic Pulser:
The Regular Mode has a higher Gauss output (>7000 Gauss) and is measurable to 14”. The benefit of the Regular Mode is the strength and depth of the field generated. The trade-off is it takes approximately 4 seconds for each pulse to be delivered.
The Fast Mode has a lower Gauss output (>2500 Gauss) and is measurable to 7”. This Mode is best used when not needing a stronger and deeper field. The benefit of the Fast Mode is the pulses are delivered very quickly, approximately every second. The trade–off is the intensity of each pulse is less.
In summary, Regular Mode = high Gauss every 4 seconds and Fast Mode = lower Gauss every second.
4. The Hand Paddle gets warm after one or two cycles. Is there a problem with my unit?
It is normal for the Hand Paddle to get warm. The coil encased in the Hand Paddle generates heat when the magnetic field is released.
If the temperature of the Hand Paddle feels uncomfortable, turn the unit off and allow it to cool before continuing. Another option is to place something between you and the Hand Paddle, like a single layer of towel or blanket, always ensuring there is proper airflow around the head of the paddle. The magnetic field reaches 7–14 inches or 18–35 cm and it easily passes through material.
A faster option – use an ice pack or two. Cool your paddle off by applying an ice pack to the paddle face (you can even apply two – one for each side of the paddle). We've tested this suggestion, and the face of the Hand Paddle is brought back to a comfortable temperature quickly and efficiently.
5. Which side of the Magnetic Pulser Hand Paddle should I use?
Either side of the Magnetic Pulser Hand Paddle can be used. The research around the use of pulsed magnetic fields is inconclusive when it comes to polarity (+) or (-).
What we’ve learned through our own use and from our customers is that either side of the Hand Paddle can be used with confidence … no need for concern over which side to use.
6. My Magnetic Pulser doesn’t make a metal washer jump like I have seen demonstrated. Is it not as powerful?
The "flying washer" is not meant to test the strength (power) nor quality of the magnetic field. It was simply used to show the presence of a magnetic field, so any movement of a steel washer indicates a magnetic field is being generated.
Originally, when Russ demonstrated the flying washer, he placed the steel washer in the center of an open coil. The center of an open coil is where the magnetic field is the most intense so the washer goes flying. Once the coil is encased in plastic, the washer does still jump but it does not fly as it does with an open coil.
Russ uses an F.W. Bell 5080 Tesla Meter to accurately measure the strength and quality of the magnetic field.
In the following video, Russ demonstrates how a steel washer responds to the SOTA Magnetic Pulser coil with both an open and encased coil. You'll see how the washer responds while the coil is encased compared to when it is an open coil.
7. My Hand Paddle doesn't make a sound—a click—is there something wrong?
Some Hand Paddles make a loud clicking sound when the magnetic pulse is released, while others are silent. The difference is due to the placement of the coil within the casing when it’s manufactured, so each Magnetic Pulser is unique. As long as the lights work and the beep sounds when the sound option is ON, your Magnetic Pulser is working properly.
8. The sound of my Hand Paddle has changed. Is my unit losing power?
It isn't unusual for the clicking noise in the Hand Paddle to either increase or decrease over time. With use, the magnetic coil in the Hand Paddle can shift–making the clicking sound decrease or in some cases increase. Changes in the sound of the paddle are completely normal and are not an indication the power or functioning of the unit is diminished.
9. Is it okay to use the Magnetic Pulser on animals?
Yes. The Magnetic Pulser is a popular unit for use on pets because its easy–to–use Hand Paddle makes it simple to apply to any area. Remember the paddle will naturally heat up as pulsing continues ... pets often like the warmth, but be careful not to let "warm" turn to "hot".
10. I've heard electricity can be harmful. Why is the Magnetic Pulser beneficial?
There is a difference between harmful and beneficial electric current. Microcurrent, pulsed magnetic field and frequency units are designed to use safe levels of electricity. The SOTA units are all designed to work with the body’s natural electricity.
On the other hand, high voltage transformers and power lines delivering electricity to our homes to run our household appliances and the wireless technology used by cell phones can have harmful effects.
The SOTA units have all passed testing to gain CE certification. This is a European standard that indicates an electronic unit conforms to essential safety requirements to operate as a household consumer product.
11. Where is the Magnetic Pulser manufactured?
The manufacturing of the SOTA Products is a global collaboration. The following countries participate in the making of the Magnetic Pulser (listed in alphabetical order): Canada, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and the USA. Our units say Made in China because China is the last step in the assembly of the units.
We are grateful that the people in all of these countries help us to produce quality products at reasonable prices for our customers.